Home » A Tree Planted, Nature Bible Study

A Tree Planted…

Nature Bible Study

Gain a sharper understanding of God and His Word with these interactive nature devotions.

Something amazing happens when you read Scripture outdoors, with your feet planted in the grass and your back against bark.

The words on the page jump to life!

It’s as though nature infuses the words with context – and LIFE!

That’s what this Bible Study is all about.

Studying Scripture against the backdrop of nature and studying nature through the Words of God.

The Bible spills out with references to nature.






Milk & honey…

Nature is the setting and subject of many parts of the Bible.

Jesus Himself often retreated to remote mountains and gardens to pray.

So, when you want uninhibited, intimate time with Jesus, nature is one of the most unrestricted places to grow your relationship with Him.

Take a look inside the Nature Bible Study!

What’s inside…

Inside, you get 13 interactive nature-related Bible Studies.

Each study comes with…

  • A reflection verse that guides each day’s practice
  • A reflection on the verse and some background information about the day’s practice
  • Field work: a guided meditation in nature to help you extract deeper meaning from Scripture and forge a stronger relationship with Christ.
  • Guided internal work: questions and reflections to ponder during your practice
  • Prayer prompt: ideas to initiate your prayer time
  • Journal prompt: entry ideas to explore in your nature/Bible journal
  • Field notes page to record your journal entries

nature Bible study sneak peekA Tree Planted look insidea tree planted sneak peek

Each exercise gives you a chance to spend meaningful time with God (which we often put off) in the wild spaces He created in order to build your relationship and get a sharper understanding of Him and His Word.

How to Use This Nature Bible Study

Unlike the Bible studies you’re used to, you won’t be filling out questions in a workbook. You’ll be heading out into nature to meditate on Scripture and engage in conversation with God. 

You are encouraged to use journaling as a way to record your realizations, process your thoughts, track your progress, and gain insight.

It’s neat to look back on these entries if you do these exercises multiple times to see how each experience provides a little bit different perspective.

This journaling can look however you want it…

  • Doodles
  • Diary entries
  • Sketches
  • Daily logs
  • Poems
  • Bible journaling pages
  • …or a mash-up of all of these.

These exercises are meant to be performed over time, either once a week or whenever you head into the woods. You can do them alone or as a group and discuss your experiences. [Use the contact form below to inquire about Bible study group discounts]

Make it your own!

Christian nature quote

If you love God,

And you love nature,

Then you’re going to love this powerful Devotional.

Grab your copy for $14.97

*Please note: this link will take you to our product page on Payhip, our trusted digital product provider.

This guide is now part of the Immersion Library.

If you’ve purchased access to the Immersion Library, then you already have this nature Bible study! Just log in and scroll to the bottom of the page to print the pdf.

Want a print copy of the book?

The best places I’ve found for printing and binding in the US (cost and wait times vary): 

Anything else you’d like to ask? Email me at JessicaM(dot)Collins(at)hotmail(dot)com or use the contact form below (which comes to the same address).