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Tree Ring-Span Storytelling

February Sand County Almanac

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I was just reading some Aldo Leopold, as any good nature literature lover, as he describes history through the ring-span of a tree.

In A Sand County Almanac, Leopold describes cutting down a dead oak.

He explains, in detail, the events that happened in the surrounding land, that even indirectly affected the tree. He also describes the conditions through which the little acorn had to survive in order to take hold.


A Sand County Almanac


It’s really a beautiful few pages. He begins with this excerpt:


There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.

To avoid the first danger, one should plant a garden, preferably where there is no grocer to confuse the issue.

To avoid the second, he should lay split of good oak on the andirons, preferably where there is no furnace, and let it warm his shins while a February blizzard tosses the trees outside. If one has cut, split, hauled, and piled his own good oak, and let his mind work the while, he will remember much about where the heat comes from, and with a wealth of detail denied to those who spend the week end in town astride a radiator.


I feel like right now, during this quarantine, no words have rung truer.

We all feel right now how fragile our entire world is. We have never felt so vulnerable or acutely aware of the processes that must happen in order for toilet paper to get to your toilet paper holder.

Spiritual dangers, indeed.

But then, he describes the saw cutting through layers of history, one year or decade at a time:


…and then on a crisp winter’s day, we laid a newly filed saw to its bastion base.

Fragrant little chips of history spewed from the saw cut and accumulated on the snow before each kneeling sawyer.

We sensed that these two piles of sawdust were something more than wood, that they were the integrated transect of a century, that our saw was biting its way, stroke by stroke, decade by decade, into the chronology of a lifetime written in concentric annual rings of good oak.


If you want to hear the whole story, here, let me read it to you…



I just love this idea of keeping a ring-span record, a chronology in concentric rings, so I put together a nature chronicling exercise below in honor of this beautiful concept.


Tree Ring-Span Journaling Exercise:

Grab your nature journal and locate a tree in your own yard. (This is especially ideal when you plant a new tree.)

If you’re using an existing tree, guess how old your tree is. You don’t need to be precise. Any guess is okay.

If you want to be particular, or give your kids an interesting science project, you can measure the girth and make an estimation from there based on this guide.

Then, draw the same number of rings on a new sheet or use our free tree ring printable.

Draw an arrow to the outermost rings and describe what the tree has witnessed in the last year or two.

Then, make your way inward and describe what history the tree holds from years and decades past.

You could look through your local department of natural resource’s records for relevant events that have happened in your area and plot them on your ring map.

Otherwise, you can scrapbook the major events that have happened in your life through the tree rings.

In honor of this exercise, I started a page in my nature journal for a tree we planted just 2 years ago with a quick Instax picture. It already holds a few stories in its tiny little trunk.

The tree was a gift for my husband. He asked for a red maple. I got him a red maple. He told me that wasn’t right. He wanted a type of maple that carries red leaves. Hehe.

This year, of course, our tree stands undeterred by the great COVID-19 quarantine of 2020 that will end up in history books and in the spaces between the tree rings.


Tree ringspan


Wouldn’t this be a really neat surprise to leave the next homeowners of the house?

Many of us leave behind the notches on the wall showing our kids’ growth, swatches for the paint we used on the walls, and a list of numbers for contractors. How special would it be for a new homeowner to receive a sweet little tree diary like this? A reminder of all the stories the place holds.


Homeschool Tree Ring Science

Just a note about homeschooling, since most of the world is encountering that right now…

You can tie all of this into a fun little tree ring unit of study for kids of any age.

You can incorporate the tree ring printable from here, the February passage from Sand County Almanac I read above, a sketchbook, and a few trips outside in your curriculum.

tree ring layers diagram

For the younger crowd, just keep it simple and teach them about the basic concept of tree rings. Find a stump or a slab of wood and count the rings. You can also make bark rubbings with the side of a crayon in your sketchbook.

Elementary age kids can use the tree ring printable to study the parts of a tree trunk. They can also try the tree aging exercise I mentioned earlier.

High schoolers can study the literature and more about Aldo Leopold. They can also do a more in-depth tree science study and keep a more advanced nature journal.

You can easily encapsulate math, art, science, and literature with this unit. Fun stuff!



Final thoughts

I hope this short literature study has your mind buzzing with thoughts and ideas. I hope you never look at tree rings the same after this!

Please stop back here and let me know how you’re using this exercise (otherwise I’ll never know!) and ask any question you have. I love hearing from you!


From my roots to yours,



Forest Bathing During Pandemic

Forest Bathing during pandemic


Welp, I’m sure everything you’ve read lately has had something to do with coronavirus.

And here I am bringing it up again.

But I don’t feel right just starting a post right now without acknowledging it, since it’s consuming our lives right now. I can’t just ignore it.

And this widespread disturbance is more reason than ever to advocate the benefits of nature when it’s so good for everyone’s wellbeing right now!

So, that’s what I’m doing here. Because this platform is dedicated to being a source of forest bathing inspiration.

What better time than now?


So, let’s talk about one of the biggest benefits of forest bathing that can actually help your fight against coronavirus (well, not as much as social distancing and proper handwashing technique, but you get it…)

It’s freaking amazing for your immune system!


Immune Benefits of Forest Bathing

One of the most relevant benefits of forest bathing is its immune-boosting properties.

Study after study shows a boost in immune cells after visiting the woods.

I don’t know about you, but I’m doing everything I can to galvanize my immune system against sickness. And getting outside when I can is one of them.

I’ve also stocked up on my favorite herbal antiviral and am taking other vitamins and eating vitamin-C rich foods every day.

Although we all feel like we’re just sitting here waiting for the virus to either happen or pass, we can still take measure to protect ourselves.

Forest bathing does your immune system a nice favor.

It’s also helpful for reducing the anxieties you may feel around this pandemic.


Safe Practices for Social Distancing

Okay, so social distancing seems to be proving most effective in this pandemic. No doubt.

But, social distancing doesn’t mean you have to isolate yourself inside your house. Unless you live in a location where you’re actually not supposed to leave your house.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds rather…claustrophobic and lonely.

Yes, we have to stay 6 feet away from other people, but no one said we can’t go outside.

Nature is a safe place to counteract the stir-crazies when you’re shut in.

My family and I have found quite the relief in spending as much time outside as we can, when weather allows.

Even if it means sitting on your front stoop or propping your back on a tree in your yard, forest bathing provides welcome relief from all these days in isolation.


nature pandemic


Educational Opportunities in the Forest

If you live in the US, your kids are likely at home, doing remote learning right now.

We’re all realizing why we didn’t become teachers in the first place. (Except the actual teachers, God bless you!)

But we have to. Our kids education is in our hands right now.

And forest bathing provides a wonderful educational opportunity for your kids.

You can homeschool your kids with nature science, physical fitness, and so much more outdoors.

Here are a some ways to turn the outdoors into an educational opportunity:

  • Art:
  • Gym:
  • Science:
    • Grab some nature bits and look at them under a microscope
    • Start your garden from seed
    • Learn about the phases of a tree, and go check out all the new buds
    • Study tree rings
    • Start a nature journal
  • Math
    • Create a scavenger hunt with multiple items (5 acorns, 16 pine needles, etc)
    • Use bits of nature to practice counting
  • Music
    • Grab a bunch of recyclables and pans and start an outdoor band (or create this sweet drum set)
    • Tap out the rhythms of bird calls
    • Grab a speaker and dance outside
  • Reading/literacy
    • Do your daily reading time outside, under a tree



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Priority Re-evaluation

Right now, while we’re surrounded by our families and the pace of the world has slowed down, we’ve all been given an opportunity to reevaluate what’s most important to us.

Obviously our senses of stability have been shaken to the core (with lost jobs, economical crisis, supply shortages, and whatnot), but we’ve also come face-to-face with what matters most: our health, our families, our contributions, and our inextricable connections to the world at large.

How clearly we can all see how much we rely upon one another.

It’s important to stop and reflect on these things.

Now more than ever, I can feel the importance of honoring and protecting nature and reducing waste, among so many other things.

And now, more than ever, do we have the time and space available to do all those things we’ve been meaning to do.

Like re-painting and decluttering every room in your house…

…finger painting with the kids,

…and forest bathing.

I don’t mean to downplay the seriousness of this crisis, but we can choose to spend our time in responsible, life-enhancing ways rather than in fear.

And forest bathing happens to be one of the ways that helps me feel grounded, safe, and interconnected. It really does improve my life, even in the darkest times.

If you’re interested in shinrin-yoku but you haven’t tried it yet, I encourage you to at least try your first exercise. See what it’s all about.

Forest bathing during pandemic is one of the most healthy, productive things you can do right now.



Have you seen that post on Facebook about all the amazing ways nature has been regenerating itself as humans pull back for a little while?

  • Air pollution and smog levels have gone way down
  • The canals of Venice are crystal clear, with swans
  • Dolphins are moving closer to shore

Nature knows what to do.

There’s still beauty out there to be had! Go, take your kids on a walk through the forest today.



I’m sincerely wishing you all health, vitality, and wellbeing as we navigate this uncharted territory together.

From my roots to yours,


Winter Forest Bathing

forest bathing winter


I’ve written about How to Forest Bathe in the Winter before, but I think the topic of winter forest bathing is worth revisiting again.

And again.

Every year.

And also in article form. Heh.


After several more winters after the first writing, I’ve come to appreciate winter forest bathing even more. And I wanted to share some new insights with you.


[For further reading, check out How to Forest Bathe in the Winter and A Winter Forest Bathing Exercise]


If you’d rather listen/watch, check out the video version here.



First, let’s talk about the setting…


Choosing a setting for your winter forest bathing experience

I love to visit all my normal stomping grounds for winter forest bathing. In the video above, I visit a tract of land owned by a local school that I travel quite often. I recommend choosing a setting that’s familiar to you as well, so you can see the differences among the seasons (and you don’t get lost on ungroomed trails).

The cool thing about the winter forest is that it’s barren and “see-through.” You can see clear through the forest when all the leaves and greens are gone. The stark contrast is visually stimulating and allows you to get to know your area better, through all of its phases.

Not all trees are barren though. You should be able to find a stand of evergreen trees, such as pines or cedars, that still hold their green color. Forest bathing under the pine trees is a great place to experience the living influences of the forest, even in winter.


forest bathing quote


Nature Scratch and Sniff

I’ll touch on this more in its own dedicated post, but nature Scratch and Sniff is one really potent way to use your sense of smell in the forest.

Next time your standing under the pine trees, grab a needle and dent it with your fingernail. Then, bring it up to your nose.

You get a really strong whiff of pine as the needle releases its essential oils.

I like to try this with other materials too, like bark and herbs. Try the scratch and sniff method next time you’re out forest bathing.


[Bottle some of that evergreen goodness for daily use with DIY pine needle body oil]


Now that you’ve found a place to practice shinrin-yoku, let’s talk about what that practice might look like.


Forest Bathing Exercises for Winter

I like to follow the following general formula when I head to the forest in the winter:

  1. Threshold exercise: transition from your daily life into the forest. Enter the forest with intention, take a stretch, and find a sit spot. Try the breath work described in the next section.
  2. Grounding: try to gain your bearings. Close your eyes and feel yourself in space, your weight, your positioning, the ground under your feet.
  3. Checking in with all five senses: concentrate on the smells, sounds, air temperature, and visuals around you.
  4. Complete a forest bathing exercise or two (see below).
  5. Exit exercise: transition from the forest back into daily life. You might take one last deep breath at the edge of the forest, step forward and exhale back into your routine.


Here are a few example exercises to try:


cencentric circle forest bathing exercise


Concentric Circle Exercise:

  • Use all five senses to experience your own body at its core.
  • Then, move your senses out to your immediate surroundings.
  • Then, move out a little further to 15 feet around you.
  • Then, move out again and again as far as you can see and hear.



reverse senses forest bathing exercise

Reverse Senses

After you take in the sights, sounds, smells, taste, and touch of your immediate environment, reverse your focus and try to imagine what it feels like for the forest to see, smell, hear, taste, and touch you.

For example, you may reach out and touch a tree and feel its solidity, temperature, and texture against your palm. Then, think about how your warm, smooth hand feels against the tree.

Or think about how the birds you hear experience the sounds you make. Imagine how your own warm body heats up the air around you.

Reverse Senses is a great exercise to nurture a reciprocal relationship with nature.



Breath work in the winter

I love the taste of breathing in the winter. When you inhale, you can feel the chill, minty air as it reaches the bottom of your lungs. The winter air is different, and you can literally feel it, in a visceral sense. That’s one major benefit to take advantage of in the winter.

In fact, aside from an oxygen chamber, breathing deeply in the fresh cool air is one of the best ways to oxygenate your blood. Oxygenated blood has many benefits, such as improving your immune system, helping your body self-repair, reducing stress, and improving brain function because every cell in your body needs the molecule.


shinrin-yoku quote


How to incorporate breath work into your forest bathing practice

  1. Always begin your practice with a session of deep breathing. I like to take a series of 10 breaths with my eyes closed.
  2. Use the Wring-Out Technique to warm up. Gently twist your body side to side as you loosen up your spine. Follow the movement with your breath, literally wringing out air as you twist into an exhale.
  3. Return to your breath as you practice mindfulness in the forest. Deep, full belly breaths are a foundational practice in forest bathing.
  4. Try one of these Four Forest Bathing Breathing Techniques.


Overcoming barriers to winter forest bathing

By far the 2 most common reasons for avoiding forest bathing in the winter are:

  1. I hate winter. It’s too cold.
  2. I don’t have the time.

To that, I say, you have a choice. ‘

You can either choose to try to enjoy winter forest bathing and make space for it or not. That’s up to you, not any external factor.

If you’re too cold, wear more layers.

I know that sounds really trite, but honestly, it’s the hard truth. The only reason why you’d be cold is if you weren’t adequately dressed. Simply add more layers.

Another trick you can use is to warm up before you start your practice. You might even choose to go forest bathing after you work out. The colder environment will feel good after a good sweat. Otherwise, you can do a few blood-pumping exercises (i.e. jumping jacks, walking lunges, etc) before you head to your sit spot to warm up.

If you say you don’t have the time, replace your words with “it’s not a priority.”

You’ve heard that saying before, right? Instead of saying you don’t have time to exercise, what you’re really saying is exercise isn’t a priority for you. Same with forest bathing. And that’s okay if it’s really not a priority for you.

While shinrin-yoku might not be for everybody, it has undeniable benefits–check out the stacks of studies–which we still need in the winter.

There really aren’t any barriers to nature bathing. Heck, you don’t even need the trees. So, if you really appreciate the break and all the psychological and physical benefits–or you just love nature, then you can make it happen.


Final thoughts

I really hope these new insights inspire you to give winter forest bathing a shot. The forest can give such a welcome reprieve in the winter, just as it does in the summer. And we still need that exposure to phytoncides, sunlight, and nature in general in the winter.

Would you do me a favor?

Would you get out there today, and then post a picture of your excursion in the Forest Bathing Central Facebook group? I’d love to see what winter forest bathing looks like for you.


From my roots to yours,


Forest Bathe Without the Trees: 7 Ways to Try NOW

Forest Bathing Without Trees

The traditional way to forest bathe involves an actual forest, of course. However, I’d be remiss to dismiss the benefits of being in nature, even when you don’t have access to an actual forest. 

And winter is a difficult time to make it to the forest for some. [Learn ways to embrace winter forest bathing anyway.]

If you’re not inside the forest, you may not be exposed to the specific phytoncides that trees give off, but you can still get therapeutic value from the other elements of nature, and probably many scientists haven’t identified yet. 

Science shows the act of grounding, or standing on the ground barefoot, for example, produces antioxidant effects in the body and getting some vitamin D from sunlight provides all kinds of preventative benefits.

So we know we benefit from nature, scientifically and intuitively, whether under a dense stand of trees or not. Plus, nature offers relief from modern overload and mental nourishment in any of its forms.


Let’s explore several ways to receive the benefits of forest bathing without the dense canopy of forest.


7 Ways to Forest Bathe Without Trees

    1. Practice garden medicine: gardening isn’t just a way to make your environment prettier, it’s also a real way to improve your wellbeing. First, gardening is a physical activity that can give you a pretty good workout. Also, when you work in the soil, you’re exposed to the beneficial microbiome that exists there. Finally, the colors of living growth, the exposure to the sun, the grounding effects of having your hands in the earth: these all provide profound mood-boosting effects right in your backyard.
    2. Visit a botanical garden or greenhouse: most cities have a green oasis awaiting you somewhere inside their concrete bustle. Like gardening, botanical gardens and greenhouses offer exposure to life-giving natural elements. You can feel the positive effects the minute you step into the glass building. The temperature and sunlight invite you in, the quality of the air expands your breath, and the rawness of the green beauty there leaves you with a sense of balance and vitality.
    3. Find one tree: most people aren’t far from a single tree, and that one tree can be a significant source of retreat. One single tree is enough to oxygenize and relax you, if you let it. Prop your spine against its trunk. Rest your ear against its bark. Hold its leaves in your hand. Climb into it if you’re nimble. Five minutes in a natural landscape like this can enhance mood and reduce stress, which we can all use. Pull up a tree and stay awhile!
    4. Head to the meadow: think about the sounds that reverberate from the meadow in deep summer. The crickets, grasshoppers, katydids, toads, and other wildlife create a pleasing cacophony. Even in the absence of trees, that reverberations alone gives you a healing experience. The tranquility of a meadow environment is optimal for your mindfulness practice, so feel free to practice any of your invitations there. My own sit spot is more meadow than trees, but it isn’t any less replenishing than a certified therapy forest.
    5. Take a sound bath: the idea of a sound bath shouldn’t be foreign if you understand the concept of a forest bath. Just like immersing yourself in the forest atmosphere, a sound bath is about surrounding yourself with pleasing sound. Scientists say the sounds of nature are ideal for sound baths, such as the meadow in the above example. If you don’t have access to a meadow or similar wild space, the next best thing is to listen to a recording of it. You can use sites like myNoise to give yourself a healing sound bath.
    6. Use authentic aromas: Pure essential oils and infused oils literally encapsulate the essence of the forest in a bottle. In fact, Dr. Qing Li discovered Hinoki Cypress essential oil contains the healing phytoncides you get exposed to when forest bathing. You can purchase or make your own oils and incorporate them into your meditative practices to access some of the forest’s healing elements when the forest is inaccessible.
    7. Pepper your space with indoor plants: Studies show the mere view of greenery has mood-enhancing effects for employees, cancer patients, post-op patients, and you. But you have to lift your eyes long enough to appreciate it. Start by adding green plants, even indoor trees, to your home or work environments. You may even incorporate a breathing room or Skogluft into your space. Then, set aside a sit spot inside your house next to your greenery to meditate and absorb the benefits.


Treeless Forest Bathing Tear Sheet

Grab your Treeless Forest Bathing Tear Sheet Here

[Find a list of all our Tear Sheets here]


Now that you have several forest-less to forest bathe, let’s go over how to actually practice shinrin-yoku without the trees.


Forest Bathe Without the Forest Exercise:

  • Choose a natural space from above to have your session. Find a comfortable spot to sit or stand.
  • Set an intention. Think about what you’re doing this for, what you hope to get out of your practice. Do you need to relax? Get reprieve from the noise of your life or brain? Appreciate nature? The reason helps you connect to your practice in a more meaningful way.
  • Unplug. The overarching purpose of your practice is to eliminate distraction, so turn off all devices and get as far away from mechanical noises as possible. You won’t get much out of this if you look at your phone or wander a million miles away in thought.
  • Get grounded. Wiggle your bare feet into the grass or place your hands on top of the soil to ground into the earth.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly. Bring your focus to your breath as you lengthen and deepen your breathing. You may even close your eyes. The point is to switch from running on your overactive sympathetic nervous system to your relaxed parasympathetic nervous system.
  • Be mindful. Open your eyes and take in your environment with each of your five senses separately and then all at once. Where you direct your attention is important. Pay attention to what’s going on around you in nature rather than the ruminations of your mind.
  • Spend as much time enjoying your environment as you’d like. When you’re done, close your eyes and take a few grounding breaths before returning to your regular routine.


Nature provides so many potent benefits, with or without trees. It’s important to spend more time outdoors, whether you have direct access to a forest or not. Leverage what is available to you at any given moment and find respite in those quiet pockets of nature around you.

Annual Forest Bathing Calibration

Annual forest bathing calibration

What is an annual forest bathing calibration?

An annual forest bathing calibration is an opportunity to realign with your values and your purpose, in life or just as it pertains to forest bathing.

Basically, you go to a quiet, natural landscape on a set yearly date and perform a mental audit of the year past and the year ahead. It’s kinda like an annual business review, where you analyze your progress and make adjustments for the year ahead.

I decided to start this annual forest bathing tradition on my last birthday, and thought I’d share the process with you.

My birthday falls in mid-June, so I can generally expect decent weather.

I also think birthdays or New Year’s Day are prime opportunities to recalibrate.

So, I headed to the forest with a pen, paper, and water and found a sit spot. Then, I went to work…



Watch the video here:



How to perform an annual forest bathing calibration

To perform your annual calibration, start by setting a date. Think of a day with special meaning, or that will acquire special meaning from this practice.

Decide on a date for your forest bathing calibration:

Consider what the weather may be like on your chosen day. A day in the middle of February in the northern hemisphere might be frigid. A day in April may be unpredictable. A day in June might be just right.

My birthday falls in mid-June, so I’m using that as my yearly calibration trip.

Here are some more ideas for your calibration date:

  • Your birthday
  • New Year’s day
  • Winter and/or spring solstice
  • A day with special meaning
  • The day after Independence Day or another holiday (because you usually take off)
  • Any day, really;)

Once you have your date set, it’s time to do a little planning.


Prepare Your Agenda

Before you head to the forest, prepare yourself with an “agenda.” Now, I use that term loosely. Your agenda could simply be to go in with one simple intention or with pages of worksheets to fill out. Find an agenda that fits your personality and aligns with this exercise.

Your agenda should relate to an annual check-in, similar to a yearly physical or an annual employee review to see where you’re at and make a plan going forward.

So, that could look like an annual review that a business might perform.

It might be a few pages in your journal exploring the past year and the year going forward.

Or, you might just head into the forest with a simple intention to discover an approach for the year ahead.


The four criteria below will be the basis of your agenda:

  1. Define your purpose. Decide what the purpose of your forest bathing calibration trip is. Do you want to do a deep dive into the outlook of your entire life? Do you want to assess what your year of forest bathing has taught you? Or, do you want to simply listen to see what message is waiting for you?
  2. Plot your tasks. Now that you’ve defined your purpose, decide what tasks you’ll do to fulfill your purpose and how you want this calibration to look. You might start with a meditation and a gratitude list and then move onto a yearly audit. After that, you can make goals for the year and finish up with a solitary tea ceremony.
  3. Decide how long you expect to need for your agenda. A workbook of deep-dive questions may take hours or an entire day. A simpler intention may require only an hour. Decide what you’re going to do with your time, how much you’ll allot to each task. Make sure you block this time in your schedule and make proper arrangements at home/work.
  4. Gather the materials you want to bring along with you for the process. If you want to do some journaling, bring your journal and your journal questions. If you have workbook questions you want to fill in, bring them along. You don’t need any materials, but if you want them, gather them together before you go.


You can find goal worksheets online, design your own, or just wing it. However, I recommend bringing a list of relevant questions to guide your calibration.


A few example questions for your annual calibration exercise:

*Use questions like these during your annual calibration to define your experience. You may simply “think” about them, journal through them, or use a more formal review.

Again, you can come at these questions from the perspective of your whole lifestyle or just your forest bathing experience. For example, you can make life goals for the next year or just forest bathing goals for the next year.

Past year

  1. How do I feel my appreciation for nature has grown over the past year?
  2. In what ways has the forest/nature made my life better in the last year?
  3. What would I say the “theme” for the last year was?
  4. Have I been true to my values this past year?
  5. How did I do on my goals for this past year?

Year ahead

  1. What do I want to focus on this next year?
  2. How can I bring more nature focus into my life this year?
  3. What do I want the “theme” for this upcoming year to be?
  4. What are my values and how can I honor them this year?
  5. What are my goals for this next year?

Print these questions up on some pretty paper with spare room to write.

Once you’ve planned your forest bathing calibration, the only thing left to do is to actually DO it. You can design your calibration however you’d like. Make sure it feels right to you. I’m just here to give you some ideas.


Sample calibration agenda:

  1. Perform a threshold exercise before entering the forest.
  2. Find a quiet sit spot, a prime place to ponder (how’s that for alliteration?)
  3. Perform a few grounding exercises (i.e. take off your shoes and put your feet in the grass, do a little mindfulness breathing, try some brain catharsis, tune in to your senses).
  4. Once you feel like you’ve gotten to a place of mindful calm, take out your journal, workbook, or questions and ponder them for awhile. Write down or just think about your answers to each. Take as long as you’d like, but try to write down what comes to mind first. Often your gut instinct is on the ball.
  5. Let your mind wander. You finally have this wide open physical and mind space to let your thoughts expand. How often do you get time like this to think things through? Let your thoughts and writing take on a stream-of-consciousness flow.
  6. Come back to where you are and ground yourself again. Take a few minutes to feel into the culmination of this exercise.
  7. Prepare a tea ceremony or exit exercise for yourself to celebrate what you accomplished and denote the end of your excursion.
  8. Return to your regularly scheduled programming.


Forest Bathing tear sheet

Here’s your annual forest bathing tear sheet!


Where to go from here

When you’re done with your calibration, adjust your sails for the intentions you’ve set. If you want to make changes in the upcoming year, make sure you implement them when you get home. Create new routines and habits that bring your goals to fruition.

Some of the best ways I’ve found to incorporate new habits is to:

  1. Track your new habits and shoot for long “streaks,” or the number of days in a row you perform your new habit. Once you’ve got a good streak going (15 days in a row), you won’t want to break it.
  2. Remind yourself of your goals every day. Either keep a daily checklist and cross your habits off as you go or journal your goals every morning to keep them top-of-mind.
  3. Incorporate them into your established routine

For example, say you decide you want to get out into nature every day. Build outdoor time into your already-established morning routine. Brush your hair while you do your grounding practice or take your morning coffee under a tree, so you don’t have to sacrifice any additional time. Over the course of several weeks, you can rewire your brain to follow this new pattern automatically.

Remember, you don’t want to watch the year pass with your goals crumpled up in the bottom of a bag somewhere. You want to show up next year completely changed.



I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Let me know how this article has inspired you to do a yearly calibration session and when you plan to do it.