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How Nature Journaling Amplifies Your Forest Bathing Experience

nature journaling forest bathing


If you’ve been around this place for any length of time, you’ll notice nature journaling features quite prominently in our practice and programs.

Nature journaling is the best way to squeeze the most out of your time in nature.

Just like when your teachers encouraged you to take notes in school…

There’s something about “writing it down” that helps your brain process information more fully.

And if you’re a visual person, images help you visualize concepts more clearly in your head.

The same holds true with nature journaling.

When you write down your thoughts or observations, you are able to process information more clearly in your mind.

You’re able to explore thoughts in a more concrete, full way.

A thought that pops up into your mind can float away at any second – and rarely gets processed.

But a thought that’s processed on paper sticks. It expands. It builds traction and substance and builds.


And a sketch…

Helps you learn more about an object than you ever could simply glancing at it.

See how this twig bends there, twists a little upward there, and casts a light shadow there?

The sort of attention required to translate form onto paper is the best way to understand the world in all its 3D substance.


That’s why we love nature journaling so much around here!


Nature journaling enhances your memory

Over half of humans are visual learners. That means, many of us learn better when we can “picture” a process or if we have a visual attached to a concept. Meaningful images help us process and then later remember information.

If you want to remember your experiences in nature, draw them on paper.

And/or write about them.

The more ways you come at an experience – visual, written, auditory, kinesthetic, etc – the more vividly you’ll remember it.

If you want a student to remember a chemistry equation, have them write it out. Then, explain it. Then, have them do an experiment of the concept in action.

In the same way, if you want to have a more expansive experience in nature, you want to explore multiple angles.

That’s why one of the most vital parts of forest bathing is taking in your surroundings with all five senses. You really have to stop and process all the input from different angles to get the full experience.

You can almost picture (see what I did there?) the neurons in your brain firing up and making new connections.


>>>[Don’t want to bring your journal? Use the imprinting method instead]<<<


nature journaling quote

A nature journal gives you a collection of memories to look back on

I don’t know about you, but I love looking through old journals.

Mine. Someone else’s. Anyone’s.

There’s that feeling that you get.

It’s like a peek into someone’s brain.

Someone’s style of speaking or drawing. The style of their handwriting tells a story.

And of course, the stories themselves transport you.

I love nature journaling for this reason. It’s a way to collect beautiful memories and look back on them again someday.

It’s a way to piece together your story in nature. And preserve it.

Without a nature journal, you have to rely on your memory, which can get fuzzy and leave details out.

Without a nature journal, you won’t remember all the memories, just a select few.

But with a nature journal, you can collect all your memories. Remember them all. Keep them all safe.


Nature sketchbook


Journaling helps you pick up on subtleties you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise

In the intro, I explained how sketching details, like on a twig, helps you understand nature in 3D.

Written accounts can have a similar effect.

Let’s say you choose to play around with haiku while in the forest.

Writing haiku is a practice in noticing minutia.

You might explain how a droplet of light falls on a piece of fungus.

Or a single strand of grass that stands taller than the others.

In order to try to pen a haiku, you have to pay attention.

Close attention.

The closest attention you’ve probably paid to anything. 

And you know what happens?

You really notice things!

Things you would never have noticed if you didn’t stop to wonder.

Journaling in any way – whether it’s a sketch, a haiku, or a weather record – gives you a keen eye for the details.

And helps you understand the forest in intimate detail.


nature journal quote


Nature journaling helps you understand the forest better

If you love the forest, you likely want to know more about it.

And one of the best directions I could point you would be to a field guide and journal.

If you want to know about the forest, go there often. Observe it, study it, draw it, and write about it.

The more you go and the closer you pay attention, the more you’ll learn.

Perhaps you might notice that the birds sing differently when it’s about to rain.

You might start to notice which insects are drawn to which type of tree.

You might discover the daily habits of the trees. 

Along the way, the forest becomes like a soulmate friend.

A place you understand and a place that understands you.


Are you itching to start nature journaling now?

Good, because I wish these beloved gifts for everyone!



Start nature journaling today!

forest bathing journal Campy journal Pine tree journal

If you’re looking for a good nature journal to get started, I’ve designed my own collection for just this purpose.

Right now, we have 3 journals available through Amazon.

The inside alternates between lined and unlined pages, so you can write on one side and sketch on the other.

They’re thin and smaller too (125 pages), so you don’t have to commit to an intimidating masterpiece.

Find them here.


Otherwise, grab a sketchbook or journal you already have, and meet me in the forest…


How about you?

Have you noticed how nature journaling enhances your experience in nature?

Tree Ring-Span Storytelling

February Sand County Almanac

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission when you purchase through my link, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for supporting us!



I was just reading some Aldo Leopold, as any good nature literature lover, as he describes history through the ring-span of a tree.

In A Sand County Almanac, Leopold describes cutting down a dead oak.

He explains, in detail, the events that happened in the surrounding land, that even indirectly affected the tree. He also describes the conditions through which the little acorn had to survive in order to take hold.


A Sand County Almanac


It’s really a beautiful few pages. He begins with this excerpt:


There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.

To avoid the first danger, one should plant a garden, preferably where there is no grocer to confuse the issue.

To avoid the second, he should lay split of good oak on the andirons, preferably where there is no furnace, and let it warm his shins while a February blizzard tosses the trees outside. If one has cut, split, hauled, and piled his own good oak, and let his mind work the while, he will remember much about where the heat comes from, and with a wealth of detail denied to those who spend the week end in town astride a radiator.


I feel like right now, during this quarantine, no words have rung truer.

We all feel right now how fragile our entire world is. We have never felt so vulnerable or acutely aware of the processes that must happen in order for toilet paper to get to your toilet paper holder.

Spiritual dangers, indeed.

But then, he describes the saw cutting through layers of history, one year or decade at a time:


…and then on a crisp winter’s day, we laid a newly filed saw to its bastion base.

Fragrant little chips of history spewed from the saw cut and accumulated on the snow before each kneeling sawyer.

We sensed that these two piles of sawdust were something more than wood, that they were the integrated transect of a century, that our saw was biting its way, stroke by stroke, decade by decade, into the chronology of a lifetime written in concentric annual rings of good oak.


If you want to hear the whole story, here, let me read it to you…



I just love this idea of keeping a ring-span record, a chronology in concentric rings, so I put together a nature chronicling exercise below in honor of this beautiful concept.


Tree Ring-Span Journaling Exercise:

Grab your nature journal and locate a tree in your own yard. (This is especially ideal when you plant a new tree.)

If you’re using an existing tree, guess how old your tree is. You don’t need to be precise. Any guess is okay.

If you want to be particular, or give your kids an interesting science project, you can measure the girth and make an estimation from there based on this guide.

Then, draw the same number of rings on a new sheet or use our free tree ring printable.

Draw an arrow to the outermost rings and describe what the tree has witnessed in the last year or two.

Then, make your way inward and describe what history the tree holds from years and decades past.

You could look through your local department of natural resource’s records for relevant events that have happened in your area and plot them on your ring map.

Otherwise, you can scrapbook the major events that have happened in your life through the tree rings.

In honor of this exercise, I started a page in my nature journal for a tree we planted just 2 years ago with a quick Instax picture. It already holds a few stories in its tiny little trunk.

The tree was a gift for my husband. He asked for a red maple. I got him a red maple. He told me that wasn’t right. He wanted a type of maple that carries red leaves. Hehe.

This year, of course, our tree stands undeterred by the great COVID-19 quarantine of 2020 that will end up in history books and in the spaces between the tree rings.


Tree ringspan


Wouldn’t this be a really neat surprise to leave the next homeowners of the house?

Many of us leave behind the notches on the wall showing our kids’ growth, swatches for the paint we used on the walls, and a list of numbers for contractors. How special would it be for a new homeowner to receive a sweet little tree diary like this? A reminder of all the stories the place holds.


Homeschool Tree Ring Science

Just a note about homeschooling, since most of the world is encountering that right now…

You can tie all of this into a fun little tree ring unit of study for kids of any age.

You can incorporate the tree ring printable from here, the February passage from Sand County Almanac I read above, a sketchbook, and a few trips outside in your curriculum.

tree ring layers diagram

For the younger crowd, just keep it simple and teach them about the basic concept of tree rings. Find a stump or a slab of wood and count the rings. You can also make bark rubbings with the side of a crayon in your sketchbook.

Elementary age kids can use the tree ring printable to study the parts of a tree trunk. They can also try the tree aging exercise I mentioned earlier.

High schoolers can study the literature and more about Aldo Leopold. They can also do a more in-depth tree science study and keep a more advanced nature journal.

You can easily encapsulate math, art, science, and literature with this unit. Fun stuff!



Final thoughts

I hope this short literature study has your mind buzzing with thoughts and ideas. I hope you never look at tree rings the same after this!

Please stop back here and let me know how you’re using this exercise (otherwise I’ll never know!) and ask any question you have. I love hearing from you!


From my roots to yours,
